Tag Archives: BPA-Free Bottles

BPS (No, That’s Not a Typo) and Bulletin Bottle

bpa-bps-comparisonBy now most of you know what BPA is, or at least that you likely want to avoid it when possible, especially in your water bottles. Good news on that front…all of Bulletin Bottle’s products are BPA free (read here for more information).

So, what happens when the factory can’t use BPA anymore? What do they do? Well, they use an alternative. One of those (and there are MANY) is commonly referred to as BPS. But let’s back up. Continue reading

BPA Free Bottles: Still the Best Option

BPA Free Bottles WholesaleBPA has been a regular player in consumer products for more than 40 years, and for at least ten of those years its safety has also been questioned. This week, yet another study has been published about exposure to and negative effects of BPA—this time in canned foods. It again reinforces the importance of choosing only BPA free bottles for your drinking water.

The study suggests that certain canned foods have higher concentrations of BPA than others. The researchers found that people who consumed one canned food item in the past day had about 24% higher concentrations of BPA in their urine compared with those who had not. Continue reading

Custom Contigo Water Bottles Now at Bulletin Bottle!

ETB33641-Group2-2Contigo water bottles are engineered for active lifestyles. Maybe that’s why they’re so popular! So, by popular demand, we are excited to offer two custom Contigo water bottles—available NOW on our site!

The custom Contigo water bottles we offer are the same ones you see in retail stores. They have the same thoughtful, durable construction. The Contigo AutoSpout is the same innovative pop-up spout and integrated cover that people love. And the lifetime guarantee is the same (phew!). The difference? Since you’re buying in bulk, you’ll save money…and your logo will be on the bottles! Continue reading

BPA Free Aluminum Bottles: Why We Sell Them

Large Aluminum Water BottleWhen it comes to water bottles, some think plastic has a lower perceived value than metal. It doesn’t matter what the material actually is. That’s why our BPA free aluminum bottles continue to be oft requested items. Aluminum, while a big step down from stainless steel or glass, is still viewed as a fancier alternative to plastic—even Tritan. We disagree, but we also know a lot more than our average client (we should…we ARE the experts!). Continue reading

Wide Mouth Collapsible Water Bottle: Product Review

Folding Water BottleI volunteered to test the Wide Mouth Collapsible Bottle because there are two design elements that stuck out when I first saw this bottle in person.

First was the lid. Most of the folding water bottles I’ve seen have simple screw on, push-pull spouts with a clear cap that pops on and off (like our Flat Water Bottle). There’s nothing wrong with those lids, but this is one you would likely find on a much more expensive bottle. Continue reading

Top Ten Customized Water Bottles of 2014

Top Customized Water Bottles of 2014Customized water bottles are meant to be just that—custom. No two projects are created equally. So we at Bulletin Bottle [.com] were somewhat surprised to see that in 2014, time and again our clients gravitated towards the same bottles.

Like each customer’s project, these water bottles each have unique characteristics. However, they share one commonality: they are, by far, the most popular customized water bottles of 2014.


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Insulated Tumbler or Acrylic Tumbler with Straw: What’s The Difference?

Our Insulated Tumbler with Straw and Acrylic Tumbler with Straw look to be the same, but there are several key differences between the two that may dictate which product works best for your needs. Read our owner’s take on these two popular “bottles”.

When I first saw the Insulated Tumbler at a trade show earlier this year, I wasn’t crazy about it.  I reguarly use our Acrylic Tumbler with Straw, and I really like it for iced water and iced coffee, and the Insulated Tumbler seemed, well, cheaper (it is…by nearly $2!).  The polypropylene material is softer than the hard acrylic tumbler, and I had a hard time believing that this type of double wall tumbler would have any insulating properties (keep reading, because I was wrong!).

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Tritan Water Bottles: Spout or No Spout?

Tritan water bottles–we love ’em! And, we know you will too. The question is: do you want a drinking spout, straw, or twist off lid? In the end, it really comes down to preference. Tritan water bottles are dishwasher safe, stainproof, and odorproof. If you’d like more information on Tritan’s history, read this blog. So, what to choose? Let us offer up a few suggestions!

Tritan water bottlesFirst up is our popular Traditional Water Bottle. We love this bottle’s large color assortment and sleek design, as well as its ability to handle vertical imprints and large logos. The crest lid has a built in grab handle that makes it easy to tote around and the opening is wide enough to fit ice cubes.

What our staff tester didn’t like about this bottle is the lid. She said, “I work at a desk all day and I prefer to drink through spouts, so I don’t have to constantly screw and unscrew the cap–or risk the possibility of knocking the bottle over and spilling water on my desk.”

Despite really liking the overall design of the Tradititional Water Bottle, she really needs a spout lid for her purposes (that’s why we just added the Traditional Water Bottle with Straw to our lineup!). Continue reading