Personalized Water Bottles Take On New Meaning at Marathon

Boston_Athletic_Association_-_BAA_orgToday is the third Monday in April and if you’re living in New England, as we are, you know what that means: Marathon Monday. The Boston Marathon is steeped in tradition dating back to 1857, but did you know that personalized water bottles have become a pre-race tradition of sorts within the elite running community?

From pipe cleaners to glitter, rhinestones to feathers, tape and glue—elite runners gather pre-race to adorn their water bottles.

This isn’t a game. Those personalized water bottles are the containers that hold nutrients and hydration for the world’s fastest distance runners. They’re critical to the success of the athletes—and they need to stand out at the water stops so they can be identified quickly. Boston Marathon officials follow the Elite Athlete Special Fluid Forms–detailed plans submitted by the runners prior to race day.

Elite runners experiment with different fluids and flavors during workouts and arrive in Boston with very specific hydration plans, knowing to the ounce how much fluid will fill each bottle and how quickly they will drink it. The details help elite runners avoid mid-marathon stomach problems and carry enough energy to the finish.

There’s a great article (with pictures of personalized water bottles) from the Boston Globe here:

Who knew that personalized water bottles could be such an important part of this historic event?

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